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quantitative techniques中文是什么意思

用"quantitative techniques"造句"quantitative techniques"怎么读"quantitative techniques" in a sentence


  • 定量技巧
  • 量化分析方法


  • Theoretical studies by them have led to quantitative techniques for interpreting potential anomalies .
  • Many new methods are introduced into the credit risk evaluation area and a lot of quantitative techniques have put into the market
  • Also , students gain hands - on experience with optimization , data analysis , and other quantitative techniques by completing the five group assignments
  • Many new methods are introduced into the credit risk evaluation area and a lot of quantitative techniques have put into the market
  • Emphasis on quantitative techniques , when applicable , including modern approaches to fetal surveillance and in vitro fertilization as well as prenatal diagnosis will be employed
  • This complexity has made investment and risk analysis heavily rely on quantitative methods and information technology . in this stream students learn fundamental finance concepts , and obtain advanced training in quantitative techniques , decision models and information systems technologies
    本系金融工程专修范围将为学生提供三方面之科目:基本金融学(主要由中大财务学系协助提供) 、量化决策方法、及资讯系统技术。
  • Graduates will be equipped to function effectively as managers in insurance and related fields , for which there are excellent career opportunities in hong kong . they will also specialize in the quantitative techniques of insurance and receive preparatory training for possible careers in actuarial - related disciplines
  • In order to attain the proposed objectives within limited time and financial budget , this study employed the micro household economic approach which combine structured household survey with a number of intensive quantitative techniques , including direct observations , in - depth interviews and focused - group discussions
  • Graduates will be equipped to function effectively as managers in insurance and related fields , in which there are excellent career opportunities in hong kong . they will also specialize in the quantitative techniques of insurance and receive preparatory training for possible careers in actuarial - related disciplines
  • Generating knowledge ranges from an objective reality , accurately measured and observed phenomena , typically revealed by quantitative techniques ( an analytical approach ) over a systems approach operating with " an objective ( or at least objectively accessible ) reality , consisting of wholes , the outstanding characteristic of which is synergy " ( arbnor and bjerke , 1997 ) to a socially constructed reality based on perceptions , interpretations and actions of different actors
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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